Crossroads Church is lead by the church board and the Pastor.
Currently, Crossroads is in transition so the Transition Team with the Interim Pastor are working on the Transition.
Crossroads Church is lead by the church board and the Pastor.
Currently, Crossroads is in transition so the Transition Team with the Interim Pastor are working on the Transition.
Responsible for: vision and strategy, preaching, teaching, missional communities, discipleship, stewardship and fundraising
Pastor Kaila has been an ordained Pastor in the ELCA for over 10 years. She feels called to walk with people in the highest of highs and lowest of lows and show them God's love along the way. Pastor Kaila is also known as the barefoot pastor- you will most likely catch her barefoot when walking around the church building and especially in worship. She does this because the text in Exodus, when Moses encounters God in the burning bush, God tells Moses to take off his sandals because he is on holy ground. Pastor Kaila feels that we are on HOLY GROUND and so walks around barefoot! Pastor Kaila is also a wife and mother to 3 awesome children.
Church Board
The Church Board is a gifted body of spirit-filled leaders who jointly oversee and sheered the Body of Christ at Crossroads. The Church Board is made of disciples who are elected by the congregation to provide spiritual and governing oversight (as outlined in the constitution) on behalf of the congregation.
Rondi Eggenberger (President 2024-)
Rondi is a proud wife of Tanner for 25 years. They have 1 child, Jacob and don't forget the Bernadoodle baby Loki! Rondi is semi-retired, currently working one day a week at A&A Audiology in Scottsdale and coaches CrossFit classes at CrossFit Solid Gold. She spends the rest of her time as an avid reader and golfer.
(Vice president 2024-)
Lisa Parrish
(Treasurer 2024-2026)
Lisa is a founding member of Crossroads. She works part-time at The Station Coffee Co.
Deb Olson
(Secretary 2023-2025)
Deb moved
to Phoenix full time in August of 2019 after retiring as a financial
advisor for 27 years. Her husband is Michael and our son Matthew lives
in Omaha Nebraska.
Jan Martin (2024-2027)
Jan moved to Arizona in 1958 and raised all her kids here. She came from Presbyterian and Baptist background before coming to Crossroads. She loves working with community things and helping people.
Transition Team
TRANSITION TEAM MEMBERS: Pam Dienert, Rondi Eggenberger, Jane Pagliari, Lisa Parrish, and Pastor Kaila Armbruster
The Work of the Transition Team: Five Developmental Tasks
The transition team works with the congregation to focus on five central developmental tasks.
1. Coming to terms with history
2. Discovering a new identity
The congregation is asked a variety of questions: Who and what are they becoming as a congregation, and how has our context changed over the years? What gifts (assets) define us, not simply our building or staff, but our changing church participants and neighbors? We need to watch and listen, not only for what to conserve, but for what might be emerging in the midst of this new identity.
3. Managing shifts in leadership
Congregations in a transition time often experience shifts in power of leadership depending on the relationships of individuals to the former minister. This is also a time for considering whether patterns of involvement in the church are healthy or unhealthy, empowering or disempowering for most of the congregation. The task is to see that leadership develops in positive and creative ways for the good of the whole church.
4. Strengthening our sense of being the church together
We are not only a local congregation, but part of a regional, national, and global church. How closely do we identify with our Synod and the national church body of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America? What has been our connection with our ecumenical siblings?
5. Committing to our new future and a new leadership
As the work of the preceding four developmental tasks comes to maturity, the congregation becomes clear about their future so they can invite an appropriate new rostered minister to lead with them into that new future. Other new staffing should be considered on conditional basis, so that the called minister has the opportunity to influence future staffing.