Kid City

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Kid City is the place for children in 2yrs - 5th grade.  Kid City is open during the message each Sunday morning.  During this time children will spend time learning about Jesus and the love he has for them and the community around us through fun and interactive learning.  Children are re-united with their family for Communion/Blessing.

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Student Ministry

We are a Jesus-focused, Spirit-filled, and life-giving ministry of Crossroads, who's focus is to bring to life the Gospel of Christ in the lives of kids. Our vision is to raise up and empower the next generation to advance God's kingdom, so that our students can take their next steps to a life of significance with Christ.

We are centered around discipleship relationships to foster an environment for our students to thrive on their journey with Jesus. Our ministry approach is based on a caring community and small groups where Godly relationships can develop - a gathering for students to encounter God through worship, teaching and other events, such as mission trips and summer camp.

Confirmation - (grades 6 & UP)

Confirmation is for students in 6th grade and up, who are wanting to confirm the baptism promises made by their parents when they were younger.  They get to go deeper and have better understanding of their faith in a way that they get to claim it for themselves.  This is a 3 year, In-person & Google Classroom, learning experience, students study the Old & New Testaments, 10 Commandments, Apostle's Creed, Lord's Prayer, Holy Sacraments of Baptism and Communion and Life of Jesus.  To Register you student CLICK HERE or Contact Pr Kaila@ for more information.