Over the coming weeks we hope this page can be a resource to everyone helping you keep connected and living out a Jesus-shaped life.
Online Group Meetings
Why not investigate how you might meet as a Missional Community or Group online. Click to see a Zoom How to Guide video which will help you set up a Zoom call. Any problems contact us for support. Do let us know if you get one and send us any pictures!
Read the Bible Together
Reading the Bible together: The Youversion Bible App is a great way to read the Bible and if friends sign up to read the same Reading Plan together they can then discus it afterwards via the App.
Keep Connected
We encourage you to keep connected! Send an encouragement, suggest good ideas, let people know if you need help, or can offer help. Now is the time for our communities to do what they’re best at! Go to our Crossroads Facebook Page to share ideas and prayers.
Live Streaming
At Crossroads we have decided to Live Stream our Sunday Gatherings. So if you’re at home this Sunday and want join with others do follow the links below:
Facebook Live: 9:15am
Youtube: Crossroads-SanTanValley 9:15am
Worship Playlists
If you want to keep worshipping with the songs we sing on Sundays at Crossroads here’s a link to a Spotify playlist with the songs we’ve been singing recently. We’ll keep this updated with new songs over the coming weeks.
Prayer is so key at this time and we’d love to encourage everyone to pray daily for an end to this pandemic and for all those serving us on the front line at this time. Crossroads as a church is committed to praying at 6:16pm every day. Where ever you are, you are welcome to join us in prayer.
Serving our Community
Now is a time for us all to look out towards our community and help those in need. There are lots of ways we can each do this and below are a list of ideas you can help serve our community:
- Hope Women's Center (Coolidge) - A number of people are serving this underserved community. By sending meals for families to cook or serving meals. For more information contact Nicole, our Missional Communities Coordinator.
- Send notes of encouragement to our community heroes on the front lines.
- Go grocery shopping for seniors or those most at-risk.
- Check on neighbors and family members.
In this time of change we really feel that there is an opportunity for us to explore new a creative ways of living a life of discipleship and mission. Meeting with Jesus in the everyday, and sharing him with those around us.
If you haven’t signed up to our This Week @ Crossroads mailing list, now is a good time to do so as we will be using this to keep the church family updated – email info@iamcrossroads.org
Love and prayers from the Crossroads Staff Team